
Matter Publishes Online ECUST New Progress of Organic Room Temperature Phosphorescent Elastic Crystal Materials  

Recently, the team of Academician Tian He and Professor Ma Xiang from Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists Joint Research Center of School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, ECUST made new progress in the research of stimulus-response room temperature phosphorescent materials, and the related article was published in Matter, a famous periodical of Cell. in the field of material science.

This work was mainly completed by Song Jinming, a doctoral student in the School of Chemistry, under the guidance of Professor Ma Xiang and Academician Tian He. The research work has been financially supported by the National Foundation of China's Basic Science Research Center project, key international cooperation projects, the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars project, the Shanghai Excellent Academic Leaders project and the “Zhang Jiangshu Doctoral Talents” pre-cultivation project of East China University of Science and Technology.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237