
Science publishes ECUST Latest Achievements of  Professor Wu Yongzhen and Zhu Weihong’s Research Team

On April 28th, Science, the top international academic journal, published the latest research results of the research team of Professor Wu Yongzhen and Professor Zhu Weihong of East China University of Science and Technology and their collaborators in the field of organic hole transport materials.

In this work, cyanophosphonic acid units are introduced, amphiphilic small molecule hole transport materials are developed, and ordered, ultra-thin and super-wetted layers are constructed through dynamic self-assembly, perfectly solving the two major problems of carrier transport and interface defect control in device application. This is another major breakthrough made by Professor Zhu Weihong's team after the publication of Nature (Nature, 2022, 604, 72-79, 72–79), and it is also the first research paper published by East China University of Science and Technology as the first corresponding academic affiliation in Science.

The article is co-first-authored by Zhang Shuo and Ye Fangyuan, Ph.D. students from East China University of Science and Technology, Wang Xiaoyu, Ph.D. students from Jilin University, and Dr. Chen Rui, Ph.D. students from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and corresponding-authored by Professor Wu Yongzhen and Professor Zhu Weihong from East China University of Science and Technology, Dr. Martin Stolterfoht from Potsdam University, Professor Zhang Lijun from Jilin University and Professor Alice Chan from Huazhong University of Science and Technology are co-authors. The research work has received careful guidance from Academician Tian He, Professor Han Liyuan, and Professor Ning Zhijun of Shanghai University of Science and Technology, researcher Lin Yuze of Institute of Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Assistant Professor Wang Yanbo of Shanghai Jiaotong University have given strong support in material characterization. The research work has been financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, the Frontier Science Center of Materials Biology and Dynamic Chemistry of the Ministry of Education, the Shanghai Major Science and Technology Project, the Shanghai Basic Research Special Zone, and the Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists Joint Research Center.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237