
Nature-Communications Publishes Online ECUST  Important Research Progress in Protein Optogenetics Control Technology of Living cells

Recently, the research team of Professor Yang Yi from the School of Pharmacy, the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering and the Interdisciplinary Research Center of optogenetics and Synthetic Biology, ECUST, made a breakthrough in the research of control technology in optogenetics, protein, and published a research article entitled “Controllingprotein stability with SULI, a highly sensitive tag for stabilization upon lightinduction” in the international academic journal Nature-Communications.

The first authors of this article are Dr. Mao Miaowei (now an associate researcher at Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, China Academy of Sciences), Dr. Qian Yajie and Dr. Zhang Wenyao, and the corresponding authors are Professor Yang Yi and Professor Chen Xianjun. This research has received help from researcher Wang Zefeng from Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, China Academy of Sciences. The research has been financially supported by the National Key R&D Plan, the National Natural Science Foundation, the optogenetics Technology Frontier Research Base of Cell Metabolism, the National Key Laboratory Fund of Bioreactor Engineering, and the basic research operating expenses of the Ministry of Education.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237